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20 Days to Momentum

20 days:
30 min daily mentor call
30 min daily focused action
+ your 3 month launch season
= momentum + sustainable growth

Hi friend!


Being here, means you’re ready to create big momentum in your business + create sustainable growth.

Whether you are brand new to our wellness advocate team or a Diamond leader looking to breathe new life into your business … this is the page to be on.

Below, we have assembled the content + action for you to take …

This growth model will require you to block off 60 min a day x 20 days.

If you decide you want to work more than this on your business - go for it!

But make sure you set aside this 60 min as a minimum.

Decide which 20 days this month you are going to focus on this model.

Each day, there is approx 30 min of a mentor call recording to listen to + 30 min of focused action to take based on the call content.


This page will be your momentum hub.
If you want to share it with your team, this link is:


Here are some images you can use to share:


Alright let’s grow, shall we?

First …



  • Before you do this, we want to make sure you’ve been a customer for at least 3 months + you are ready to enrol your first person. If you have questions about this - please chat with your upline before changing your account to Wellness Advocate. 

  • If you are ready:

    • Login to your doTERRA back office and you see a button that says ‘become a wellness advocate’

    • Click that button and follow the quick steps - it’s free!

    • You will now be setup to enrol people + earn commissions 💸

    • In order to earn commissions, you will want to place a personal monthly order of 100pv (+) through the loyalty rewards program. Though we recommend 150pv monthly to optimise the compensation plan.





so you're ready to begin your business_.


  • In this season that you decide to launch or relaunch, you will teach one class a week for 3 months and create a sustainable Elite rank. It’s wise to pick the same day/time each week.

  • In the daily mentor calls, you are going to learn the most effective way to sample, invite, fill your class and enrol so that this 3 month block builds massive momentum for you

  • After your launch season, if you want to grow to Silver + beyond, you’ll guide at least 3 people to duplicate what you’ve just done.

  • If you appreciate the math:

    • Guide 3 people through a launch quarter and you’ll hit sustainable Silver (this will create 3 Elites under you)

    • Guide 9 people through a launch quarter and you’ll hit sustainable Platinum (you will partner to create 3 Silvers/9 Elites under you)

    • Guide 12 people through a launch quarter and you’ll hit sustainable Diamond (you’ll partner to create 4 Silvers/12 Elites under you)



All of the calls we have organised for you in this series, have been recorded for you by Allyse Sedivy. She is a triple diamond leader in our upline and one of the most brilliant business strategists in doTERRA. She communicates clearly + knows how to powerfully share a story. You’re going to love this series!

If you want a jump start on the content before we kick off as a team, you can go here to listen to the rest of the calls and complete the daily actions:

20 Days creating Community Momentum.
We LAUNCH Monday 4th NOVEMBER in our LIVING to LAUNCH Biz Community.
If this is your season, let’s rock it together!.

Day 1

Day 1 calls:


  • Write your names list

  • Rank each name according to the 7 star rating system (here’s a contact/rank tracker you can use)

    • Female

    • Has a money/time/purpose need

    • Age 30-55

    • Interested in natural things

    • Has business/sales experience

    • Socially influential

    • Has a supportive spouse

  • Decide which form of contact is best for each person on your names list (in person, email, text, phone, social media - I recommend a voice message for instagram and facebook).

  • Decide if a product approach or a business approach is the most appropriate.

  • Write next to each person on your list: which is the best form of contact and approach and their rating number.

Scripts for contacting your List (use them or modify them in your own wording)

  • Email Script: I’ve been thinking about you and I have something really exciting to share with you. When can we get together?

  • Social media Script: I’ve been thinking about you and I have something really exciting to share with you. When can we connect?

  • In person or Phone call Product approach if you already know their ailment: I’ve been thinking about you. I’ve had some pretty amazing experiences with essential oils...(talk about a simple but powerful personal testimonial) and...(other people’s experiences). I thought about...(their own health challenges or their families health challenges) I would love to give you a free sample of essential oils for you to try, they are safer, cheaper and many times more effective than medication. I think you will also have a great experience. Are you going to be around tomorrow for me to (drop it off/give it) to you?

  • In person or Phone call Product approach if you DON'T know their ailment: I’ve been thinking about you. I’ve had some pretty amazing experiences with essential oils...(talk about a simple but powerful personal testimonial) and...(other people’s experiences). I know that all families deal with all kinds of ailments. I would love to give you a free sample of essential oils for you to try, they are safer, cheaper and many times more effective than medication. I think you will also have a great experience. Are you going to be around tomorrow for me to (drop it off/give it) to you?

  • In person or Phone call Business approach: I’ve been thinking about you and wanted to let you know that I do the most amazing thing, I sell Essential Oils. They’re safer, cheaper and more effective than other things we have a tendency to use. Essential oils have no side effects or addictions. I’ve had some pretty amazing experiences with essential oils. They have totally changed my family’s health...(talk about an experience that you have had and a member of your family). Sharing essential oils with others has also changed my life financially. So many people are interested in using natural alternatives. Im looking for someone that I can put my time, my talents and resources into that could also share the power of essential oils with others and I thought about you... Are you familiar with essential oils?

  • For people that you haven’t talked to in a while: No one likes to feel used. When someone gives you a call that you haven’t talked to for a long time, it’s exciting especially if you have a great conversation. But if at the very end of the conversation they talk to you about a business opportunity, that never feels good and you usually feel used. So simply start the conversation by saying:

    • “It’s been such a long time and I specifically have something that I wanted to call you about but first tell me what’s going on with your family”.

    • And then talk for as long as it feels comfortable. After a while the person you called will usually say “So tell me what you were calling about”. And if you end up running out of time and have to get off the phone usually the person that you called will say “You had something that you wanted to tell me”.

    • Then you simply answer “It was so great talking with you again. I can call you tomorrow and tell you about why I wanted to call”.

Day 2 CALLS:

Day 2



Your Assignment: Give Out Samples of Essential Oils Like Allyse Teaches, beginning today.


One of the biggest keys to increasing your close rates
Why do we give out samples of essential oils?

dōTERRA is one of the fastest growing network marketing companies in the world. With our focus on product we let people experience the power of essential oils before they are asked to purchase. This is what sets us apart from other companies in our industry. Every Mum should have an essential oil keychain so that she can access the oils wherever and whenever the need arises.

Take your time in the preparation period. The more contacts you have with a person before they are asked to make a buying decision, the more likely they are to purchase essential oils and want to build the business with you.

Key Points When You Sample

There are effective ways to sample, and there are ways that just waste your time and money. If you follow this method exactly (do NOT TWEAK anything!), you can anticipate 80% attendance rates at classes, higher enrollments, and ease setting people up with LRP! You’ll also discover builders quicker.

• The samples we give are free

• Sample only ONE oil at a time (you want them to focus on the results!)

• Sample only ONE health challenge. (Choose health needs with acute symptoms, ie; things they’ll see a quick result with)

• 10-20 drops of an essential oil so that it will be enough for a few applications


Assignment: Practice sampling someone in your home and get your samples ready to begin sampling tomorrow.
What you need:

  • Most effective and fast-working oils for sampling: Peppermint, Wild Orange, Lavender, DigestZen, Easy Air.

  • Sample vials


Set expectations around the sample:
“Essential Oils are similar to medication in this way...When you have an ailment and you go to the doctor and receive a prescription and if you use it and it doesn’t work, you usually don’t think to yourself ‘I’m never going to try medication again because it’s all useless.’What you think is ‘That medication didn’t work well on my body so I need to go back to the doctor and ask him for something different.’ We have been programmed this way, we understand that medications affect people differently. Essential Oils are similar in the fact that each oil is not going to have the exact same effect on every single person. So if you use an oil and don’t get the results your looking for, that’s OK, we can try something else. If you’re patient enough with Essential Oils like you are with medication we will find something that is safer, cheaper and more effective for you.”


Tell Them How to Use it and What to Look For:
“Here’s what you’re going to do: When you’re getting into bed tonight, rub a few drops of this Lavender oil onto your temples. Also graze your pillow with your fingertips. As you lay down and take slow, deep breaths, you’ll feel a wonderful calm come over you. You should feel more relaxed, and you should sleep better. But remember if you don’t get the results your hoping for we can try something else. I’ll call you in two days to see how it goes. Around when is the best time to call?”


Give an essential oil quick reference guide and explain how to use it (you can use a digital reference guide like droplii or a hardcopy mini guide).

Day 3

Day 3:

Your Assignment: Review the Sampling Flow Chart (You Can Download Below) - Practice and Roleplay the Scripts Below - Use the 2 Day Follow Up from Now on Whenever you Share Samples

Use the Follow Up Dialogue Script & Instructions below

Give them a call two days after delivering the sample. This MUST be a PHONE CALL

“Hi! Have you had an opportunity to use the (sampled oil) yet?” If YES: (see below)

If NO: “That’s okay! Here’s what we’re going to do: When you get home tonight and start getting ready for bed.... (repeat the usage instructions!) Then I’ll give you a call in the morning to see how it goes.”

(If they didn’t use it the first time) - Next Morning Follow-Up Call:

“Hi! Have you had an opportunity to use the (sampled oil) yet? If YES: (see below)

If still NO: “That’s okay! Here’s what we’re going to do: Go get it right now. We’ll have a little oil experience right now together!”

Give them instructions on how to use the oil, and give them a few minutes to feel the effects of it.


If Yes…

When they HAVE Used Their Sample

“How was your experience?”


• Do not react or sound surprised. Simply listen to their experience.
• Restate what they experienced.
• “Here’s what we’re going to do: If you’ll continue to be patient with the process, I’ll be patient with you. (New oil) is another one I think you’ll have great results from. I’m going to get you a sample of that, and we’ll see if that’s the best oil to address your (health need). And when we’ve found the right oil, then you’ll have something safe, natural, and cost-effective to address your (health need)!
• Deliver the new sample and restart the sampling process.


When they’ve had an AWESOME Experience:

• Now is when you invite them to your class (which you will have set up in your weekly schedule already).

• “If you think (oil) is awesome, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s incredible how many things you can solve with essential oils. (Share one or two powerful experiences with essential oils) Here’s what we’re going to do: There is an amazing Intro to Oils class on _________and another class_________I think what you will learn could change your life. I would love you to come. Which of those times works better for you?”


• Set the date and time, and let them know you’ll give them a call with more details two days before the class.

FREE Download: Sampling Flow Chart

Download the Sampling Flow Chart to get a more VISUAL representation of the Sampling Process

Day 4

Day 4:

Daily Mentor Call 10: When They’ve Had an Awesome Experience with the Oils…

Your Assignment: Invite your People to a Class Once they’ve had an Awesome Experience with the Oils

Inviting them to a class only AFTER they've had a great experience with the oils will increase your close rates in a HUGE way.

To Ensure Best Results: Make sure you are immediately applying ALL the things you learn from Allyse. Then teach this SAMPLING and FOLLOWING UP process to all of the builders and sharers on your team.

Daily Mentor Call 11: How do I Actually Get People to Come to Classes?

Your Assignment:
 Continue Using The Sampling Process You Learned From Allyse

Simply continue using the sampling process you learned from Allyse moving forward in your business. Be sure to train and duplicate this process in your team. Refer to the Sampling Flow Chart you got from the last Daily Mentor Call (#11) whenever necessary.

Daily Mentor Call 13: How to Effectively Invite to a Class

Your Assignment
: Practice the Script Below and from Now on Invite People the Way you Just Learned from Allyse

When they’ve had an AWESOME Experience:

• Now is when you invite them to your class!

• “If you think (oil) is awesome, that’s just the tip of the iceberg! It’s incredible how many things you can solve with essential oils. (Share one or two powerful experiences with essential oils) Here’s what we’re going to do: There is an amazing Intro to Oils class on _________and another class_________I think what you will learn could change your life. I would love you to come. Which of those times works better for you?”

• Set the date and time, and let them know you’ll give them a call with more details two days before the class.

Day 5

Day 5:

Daily Mentor Call 14: 2 Day Reminder - 2 Hour Text

Your Assignment: Use the 2 Day Reminder - 2 Hour Text with Everyone you Invite

Follow these Instructions & Scripts

Always do the 2-day phone call reminder and the 2 hour text reminder. These drastically increase your attendance rates if you do them as you’ve learned! (Do not tweak the reminders. They are proven to be the most effective way to help your prospects get out the door and to your class.)

CALL them two days before the appointment: “Hi, I’m excited to see you in a couple of days. I think what you will learn at this class will truly change your life. Also...There will be plenty of parking on the street, so just find the closest spot.”

TEXT them 2 hours before the appointment: “Can’t wait for you to come today. I’ve got a surprise for you.”

Note that you can have any small surprise waiting at the appointment or class. It can be as simple as Lemon oil in water, or On Guard soaked apple slices. The “surprise” piques curiosity, and increases attendance.

Daily Mentor Call 15: Following Up with Those who Don’t Come to the Class

Your Assignment: Just Do It - Follow Up with Those Who Don't Come to the Class

Learn it. Apply it. Teach it.

With everything that you hear on these Daily Mentor Calls:

1. Learn it
2. Apply it Immediately
3. Teach it to Your Downline

Day 6:

Day 6

Your Assignment: Review the Instructions Below and Prepare Your Own Presentation Kit

Key Components of an Effective Class

Your Intro to Oils presentation is the basis of all education in your business. No matter what specialty topics you want to teach in continuing education class, the Intro to Oils presentation is always the foundation

Here you’ll learn the components of a successful Intro to Oils class. You can apply these components to however you prefer to teach (e.g. using the company’s handouts, etc.)

This is no ordinary intro class! It’s interactive, it’s fun and it’s effective.

The most important part of this class is that it is very simple. The more simple your classes the easier your team can duplicate it.This is the class that has been most successfully duplicated and has the highest enrollment rate on my team of over a million Wellness Advocates!

It is highly recommended that you master this class. However, if you decide to do a different version of intro class, just make sure it includes the crucial components listed here.

Note that the class handouts are given out at the end of the class, as not to distract the attendees during the presentation.


• Essential oils: Peppermint, Wild Orange, Deep blue, On Guard (and Lifelong Vitality if desired)

• 10-15 Sample oils (1/4 drams for giveaways. Any oils will do, but the top 10 are especially useful if you have them.)

•  Class handouts or enrollment forms (buy from dōTERRA or print online) If you are just using class handouts then you also will need plain paper (for people to write the top 3 health challenges on) and you will need to print out of the different kits available for people to purchase.

• Pens

• 8 vial keychains (incentives to book a class)

• The Essential Life books (or other oil reference books)

• Light refreshments (for the BBI at the end of the class) DO NOT HAVE REFRESHMENTS FOR THE INTRO TO OILS CLASS. Just water and a few oils like lemon, lime, wild orange and slim & sassy.


Successful Event Tips

• Hold presentations in distraction-free environments (no kids or pets running around)
• Keep class to around 45 minutes (never over an hour!)

Components of an Intro to Oils Presentation

  1. Welcome & intentions - 1 min

  2. Tell your story - 2 min

  3. 3 things about oils (natural, effective, & safe (CPTG) - 10 min

  4. 3 ways to use oils (aromatic, topical, internal) - 10 min

  5. Share product experiences (top 10 oils or as desired) - 10min

  6. Share wholesale options (including kits) - 5 min

  7. Transition to business - 2 min

  8. Your most powerful experience with the oils, explain the enrollment process- 5 min


9. Help people enroll, Book classes from classes, invite to BBI (15-20 min)

10. AFTER THE CLASS...Basic Business Intro will start 20 min after you finish presenting, immediately after you help people enroll. This is where you can have simple refreshments at the end. (15-20 min)

If people stay for the basic business intro, the entire event will last anywhere from an hour and 15 minutes to an hour and 25 minutes.

Day 7:

Day 7

Your Assignment: Review the Steps Below - Practice - And Apply them at your Very Next Class

Introduction - Intention - Your Story

• Introduce who you are, how long you have been using essential oils and how long you’ve been doing the business.
• Your intention Is to help them understand the power of essential oil’s and how it can change their health and their family's health.

“I’ll have done my job today if you leave this class knowing three cool things about essential oils.”

• Give a short testimonial of how dōTERRA essential oils have changed your life. This should be no more than one minute long and it should not be your most powerful testimonial, we’re going to use your most powerful testimonial at the end of class.

Daily Mentor Call 19: Three Cool Things About Oils

Your Assignment: Review the Instructions Below and Practice the Scripts

Safer. More Effective. Cheaper.

First Cool Thing: 100% Natural & Safe

“The first cool thing about dōTERRA essential oils is that they’re 100% natural and safe. There’s nothing added to the oil or taken away from the oil. They’re just simply pure essential oils with no side effects and no addictions. They’re safe for babies, children, adults and the elderly. Oils are extracts from plants that have amazing health benefits.. A pure oil is about 50-70 times more powerful than herbs. One drop of peppermint essential oil is equivalent to drinking 28 cups of peppermint tea. So they’re really potent!

“To help you feel how powerful dōTERRA essential oils are, let me give you an experience with one of the most important essential oils: Peppermint.

(Have everyone put a drop of Peppermint in their palm): “Okay, everyone dab their finger in the oil and then put it in their eye. JUST KIDDING! I know of a class where someone was trigger happy and actually did that, and it didn’t feel good! If you ever get oils in a sensitive part of your body, just use a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil and directly apply it to the affected area. It will take the sting away fast. You can actually use a lot of different carrier oils like canola oil or olive oil, the reason why we like to use fractionated coconut oil is it’s really good for your skin and it doesn’t leave an oily residue."

“Now don’t be afraid and dab the tip of your finger in the oil and then press your finger onto the roof of your mouth. Now the other way we’ll use it is by rubbing it between the palms of our hands, and then cupping our hands together and breathing in deeply. See if you can breathe that in for 30 seconds! How does that feel? (Wait for responses) That one drop of peppermint was the equivalent of you drinking 28 cups of peppermint tea.That’s how powerful these oils are!"

“What I love about these oils is the CPTG standard. It stands for Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, and it means these oils are completely pure and potent. Pure means there are no foreign contaminants or fillers. Potent means that each plant was grown in a part of the world where that plant grows best, resulting in the absolute best chemistry for that plant. When you have the ideal natural chemistry, the essential oil extracted does exactly what we want it to do for our health.

“So that’s the first cool thing about essential oils, they are 100% natural and safe. Who can tell me the first cool thing about essential oils?”

Reward whomever answers with a sample bottle! Share what that sample oil is good for.

Second Cool Thing: More Effective Than Many Modern approaches to health problems

“The second cool thing about essential oils is that they are more effective than many modern approaches to health problems."

“First, do we we have any medical professionals in the room? (They raise their hands) Okay, what I’m going to share next is going to sound very elementary to you. Most of us in this room don’t have the medical training you do, so I’m going to really simplify things so that this makes sense to everyone. Let’s go back to biology 101. Is that Okay? (This prevents hecklers.)"

“Let’s say this is a cell in your body (hold up your fist), and we know that cells have oily cell membranes. The cell membrane protects the cell, it keeps all the good things in and all the bad things out. Now two of the things that are harmful to our cells are Bacteria and viruses. Bacteria usually form on the outside of the cell and viruses replicate the DNA on the inside of the cell. All you have to remember is bacteria on the outside viruses on the inside."

“Let’s say you went to the doctor with a bacterial infection. What would he recommend for you? (Give you an antibiotic) And after taking the antibiotic for 7-10 days in most cases, it would probably clear up the infection - but it often comes with wreaking havoc on your gut, hormones, and immune system."

“Now if you had a virus like the cold or flu, what would he say? (Go home, drink a lot of water, rest and let it run its course) The reason why is because most of the modern recommendations are water-based synthetic agents - and frequently come with side-effects and addictions. Water and oil don’t mix, so if the recommendation from your doctor is water-based, it will have a really hard time penetrating through that oily cell membrane and stopping the duplication of a virus.”

“Essential oils are different they are oil-based, which means they can permeate that cell membrane! They can work on a cellular level without side-effects or addictions, and they can combat bacteria on the outside of the cell and prevent the duplication of viruses on the inside. That is why they are often more effective than the modern approach to health problems.”

“That is the second cool thing about Essential Oils, who can tell me the second cool thing about essential oils?”

Reward whomever answers with a sample bottle! Share what that sample oil is good for.

Third Cool Thing: Cheaper Than Traditional Medical Care

“The third cool thing about essential oils is that they are cheaper than traditional medical care. Let me explain.....Who can tell me their co-pay for visiting the doctor? (Let people volunteer their co-pay until you find the cheapest one in the room, don’t worry if someone says zero. Just go with the lowest number.) “And if your doctor gave you a prescription for an antibiotic, how much would it cost to fill the prescription?” (Let people volunteer how much they’d spend on the prescription until you’ve founded the cheapest one, once again, don’t be worried if someone says zero. The numbers will work out.)"

“When someone in my family has an ear infection, we rub two drops of lavender and two drops of melaleuca around their ear, and put them to bed. 12 hours later the ear infection is cleared up. It costs us about 64¢. Now whether it costs you $20 for the co-pay and the prescription, or whether it costs $0 because you live in a country with free medical care. Essential oils are still less expensive than the gas in the car you pay to go to the doctor’s office. That’s not including the half day of work you probably had to take off for this emergency. We also haven’t taken into account the fact that antibiotics harm your gut, and that you might have to buy extra probiotics for two weeks to fix the damage, which is even more money.”

“We save hundreds of dollars a year in medical costs because of essential oils. You cannot afford NOT to use natural solutions! THAT is why essential oils are cheaper than traditional medical care.

“And that is the third cool thing about Essential Oils."

“Who can tell me the third cool thing about essential oils?”

Reward whomever answers with a sample bottle. Share what that sample oil is good for.

“Who can tell me ALL THREE cool things about essential oils?”

Reward whomever answers with a sample bottle.

Day 8

Day 8:

Daily Mentor Call 20: 3 Ways to Use Essential Oils

Your Assignment: Review the Instructions Below and Practice Saying the Scripts

Aromatically. Topically. Internally.

(Sometime during this section you want to share another experience, it should be quick, under one minute and it should be specifically about either the aromatic, topical or internal use of essential oils. Do not give an example for all three just choose one.)


“The first way to use essential oils is aromatically. Everyone take their fingers and pinch right above the bridge of their nose. (Everyone mimics your gesture) Right under your fingers is your olfactory nerve. (You can take your fingers off because you look silly!)"

“This nerve sends messages to the limbic system in your brain, which in turn sends messages all over the body. Sometimes people think it’s hokey to say oils could affect the body just by smelling them, but let me illustrate:"

“When you go to the hospital for surgery and need to be put under, how do they deliver the anesthesia?"

"They don’t give you a pill, and usually they don’t give you a shot they ask you to breathe through a mask and count down to 10. And most of us are completely under before we ever get to 10. So when you breathe those synthetic compounds through the mask, your olfactory system is powerful enough to send signals to your body to knock you out in under 10 seconds! It’s the fastest way to access the brain. This happens exactly the same way with natural compounds found in essential oils. When we breathe in natural compounds from Essential Oils they hit our olfactory nerve and the olfactory nerve sends signals to the limbic system which in turn sends signals to the rest of our body. This can happen in as little as 30 seconds."

“There are a few ways to use essential oils aromatically. You can breathe them from your hands, like we did earlier with peppermint, use them in a diffuser, or breathe them right from the bottle."

“Let’s have an experience with Wild Orange right now. (Let everyone inhale a drop of Wild Orange from their hands. Ask them to describe their experience.) “It’s amazing isn’t it! Not only does it smell really good but wild orange has natural compounds that helps with stress and depression. I take wild orange with me wherever I go.”

“So the first way to use essential oils is aromatically. Does anyone here know the first way that we use essential oils?”

Reward whomever answers with a sample oil and talk a little bit about the sample oil you gave them.



“The second way to use essential oils is topically. You can actually apply oils directly to the skin. For children and people with sensitive skin, you’ll want to dilute them with fractionated coconut oil. It’s just as effective; it just takes a little longer to absorb."

“You can even apply oils to the bottoms of your feet - including babies - and it won’t bother them. The pores on the bottom of your feet are really big and the oil absorbs very quickly into the bloodstream. It’s a great way to get oils into your system fast."

“What health concerns would be best to use the topical application of essential oils?”

(Let people answer and comment briefly)

“So the second way to use essential oils is topically. Does anyone here know the second way that we use essential oils?”

Reward whomever answers with a sample bottle and talk a little bit about the sample oil you gave them.


“The third way to use essential oils is internally. These essential oils are not only safe to use internally, they are RECOMMENDED. The CPTG standard means these oils are a medicinal grade, and are completely safe to ingest - unlike most other brands. You can put them in your mouth or drink them in water. If you don’t like the taste, put them in a veggie capsule. It’s like concocting your own little natural remedy.

“What health concerns would be best to use the internal application of essential oils?”

(Let people answer and comment briefly)

“So the third way to use oils is internally. Who can tell me the third third way we use essential oils?”

Reward whomever answers with a sample bottle. Share what that sample oil is good for.

Now can anyone tell me what health issues would be best to use all three applications of essential oils: aromatic, topical and internal?

(Let people answer and comment briefly)

Finally who can tell me ALL THREE ways we use essential oils?”

Reward whomever answers with a sample bottle and once again share what that sample oil is used for.

Daily Mentor Call 21: Testimonials

Your Assignment: Practice the Scripts Below for the Testimonials Portion of your Class

Facts Tell. Stories Sell.

This is the funnest, most powerful part of the class. It only works if people have been properly sampled before the class. If done right, your guests will offer each other social proof and powerful testimonials that get them ready to purchase use oils in their homes!

“Now is the funnest part of the class! For anyone who would like to come up and share an awesome experience you have had with doTERRA Essential Oils, I’ve got one of these sample oils for you!"

“There are just two rules: You have to keep it under 60 seconds, and it can’t be the same health concern as someone else.”

If someone goes over a minute, reinforce the rules without shaming them by saying, “Awe, you went over a minute. But I liked your story so much I’m going to give you the oil anyway!”

Daily Mentor Call 21: Transition to Wholesale and Kits

Your Assignment: Review the Instructions Below and MEMORIZE the Scripts

• Memorize this Transition so that it becomes natural to you.
• Don’t focus on explaining the Loyalty Rewards Program right now. We will go over that in detail in the Wellness consult.

Three Ways to Purchase

“There are three ways to purchase dōTERRA essential oils. The first way is retail. Nobody here is going to buy retail tonight. You’d only buy oils at retail prices if you were at a chiropractor’s office, a spa, or another professional setting. It’s the most expensive way to buy oils."

"The second way is wholesale. This is kind of like having a Costco card where you have an annual membership that gives you access to their great products at the best prices. With dōTERRA, having a wholesale membership allows you to buy at 25% below the retail price."

"The third way - and the only way I buy my oils - is below wholesale. This is the smartest way to buy your oils. You will learn more about this a little later.”

“As you have listened tonight about the power of essential oils and how it can change our lives, you might be thinking, ‘Wow - this is more than I imagined.’ dōTERRA wants to support you with this essential oil journey, and our goal isn’t that you have just one bottle of Melaleuca for acne or Deep Blue for pain."

“Our goal is to teach you how to live a natural lifestyle so that when things come up like pain, allergies, cold, or the flu instead of reaching for medicine you can reach for natural solutions - that don’t have any side effects!"

"dōTERRA puts kits together that are cheaper than if you bought your oils individually. So if you add up the cost of all the oils, the kits will always be cheaper. All the kits include a free wholesale membership, and you’ll have everything you need at your fingertips. Let me tell you a few things about your kits.”

Briefly introduce the kits appropriate for your class. The standard is the Natural Solutions, then Home Essentials, then Family Essentials.

“The Natural Solutions Kit is my favorite kit. It has everything you need to replace your entire medicine cabinet. You’ve got all the most important oils, a 10 hour diffuser, the amazing digestive enzymes and probiotics to support your gut, the incredible immune oils in soap and sanitizer and even softgels, and finally the supplement trio. (Briefly share the benefits of the supplement trio.) This kit saves you $228 off the wholesale cost, so it’s by far the most cost- effective way to get started.”

“The next kit is the Home Essentials Kit. This kit has the 10 most popular oils we’ve talked about today, in the larger 15ml bottles. It also has a 4-hour diffuser. This kit saves you $86.25 off the wholesale cost."

“The third option is the Family Essentials Kit. This kit is the lowest price point, and it still comes with the 10 most popular oils, in the smaller 5ml bottles - but without a diffuser. This kit saves you $86.25 off the wholesale cost."

"Let me give you a little tip - the family essentials kit has 5ml bottles and the home essentials kit has 15ml bottles. Which is three times the amount of oil but it’s not three times the price, and it comes with a diffuser. So the home essentials kit is definitely a better value than the family essentials kit.”

Day 9

Day 9:

Daily Mentor Call 23: Three Types of People

Your Assignment: Memorise the Scripts Below

Three Types of People

“There are three types of people who come to these classes. The first type of person is excited to live a natural solutions lifestyle. When they learn about the power of essential oils they can’t wait to share the products with their family. dōTERRA supports this type of person by providing free monthly essential oil education."

"The second type is sitting here, thinking, ‘Oh my gosh - my mother needs these oils! Or I want my friend to learn about this.’ These people naturally want to share what they love. dōTERRA supports this type of person through a generous system to reward people who share the products. As these people consistently share over time, they can have their oils they purchase paid for each month. We call this free natural healthcare, and there are thousands and thousands of people all over the world who are currently receiving free natural healthcare from dōTERRA."

"The third type of person has been watching me the entire time and thinking, ‘That’s what I want to do! I want to change people’s lives through educating people about the power of essential oils.”
dōTERRA rewards this type of person through an incredibly generous compensation plan. As these people educate others about the power of essential oils, they can earn enough to supplement or even replace their income so they can become financially free."

Daily Mentor Call 24: Your Most Powerful Testimonial

Your Assignment: Review the Instructions Below and Practice the Scripts

End the class by sharing your most powerful testimonial. This should be your most emotional, highest-impact experience with essential oils. You want to show your authenticity.


Closing Technique Part 1


You need:


• Wholesale Customer sign up form and Wellness Advocate sign up form

• Paper and pens

• Enrollment kits handouts

• Essential oil books (if that’s not possible essential oil reference guides)


You need to save 20 minutes of time so that you and the other Wellness Advocates can help everyone choose their kits. This is where you pass out the enrollment forms and The Essential Life books or other resource books.


Have everyone write down their top few health challenges on their handout or simply a piece of paper. Encourage them by sharing your own health challenges when you started using essential oils (some people will have a hard time coming up with their needs!) Remind everyone to include emotional needs.


“This is one of my favorite parts of the class where you get to write down your top health challenges, and then discover the solutions that will help you solve them! I’ll share what mine are if you promise to write down yours! (Share some examples. Then demonstrate how to use the book to look up their ailments, oils they’re curious about, and how to find protocols). Now we’re going come to you individually, answer questions and help you find the best kit for your needs.”


Individual Attention

The first person you want to help is the person who has to leave the soonest. Kneel next to them (don’t hover over them!) and ask, “What are we working on?”


Review their health challenges, and help them write down the products they need according to what you find in the book. Be sure to include the common oils for each ailment.


Suggest the kit that best fits their needs. “Here’s what we’re going to do: I suggest you start with the _________ kit. It has (name products) that you need to start addressing your health challenges. So I’m going to let you work on this enrollment form (show them where to write) while I help a few other people. Then I’ll come back and check on you.”


Assume the sale. Give a set of solutions with confidence. They have come well prepared and wanting to buy. Don’t oversell or push bigger kits without cause; recommend what you truly feel they need.

Day 10

Day 10:

Daily Mentor Call 25: Experience the Power of Retaining a Customer for Life

Your Assignment: Review the Instructions Below - Learn the PROVEN Scripts Provided - Get Some Sample Vial Key Chains

Scheduling the Wellness Consult and Booking Classes from Classes

• You will need 8-vial Keychains

Schedule the Wellness Consult

Once someone has filled out their enrollment form, schedule their Wellness Consult. Plan it for a few days after their kit will arrive.

“Because you’re investing in yourself, I’m going to invest in you. I’m going to take some of my time and resources, and we’re going to sit down and go over how to use your new oils to really address your health needs. I know you’re excited about your oils right now, but you’re going to forget some things."

"I want you to get phenomenal results. We’ll create a morning, afternoon, and evening protocol so that you know exactly what to do. We can even do this for everyone in your family if you like! It’s always best to do it in your home because I can show you exactly how the oils work around the house.”

“Your kit will probably arrive around (Tuesday), so let’s schedule your Wellness Consult for (Thursday). What time works best for you?”

Book Classes from Classes

Pause after helping the first couple people with their enrollment forms, and whip out your 8-vial keychain.

“Oh my gosh - I forgot to show you something super cool! This is my keychain that holds my 8 on-the-go oils. It’s perfect because you always have your oils with you. If a kid is crying in the back of the car, you have Lavender. If someone eats the wrong thing while you’re out, you have DigestZen. It’s awesome everyone needs one of these on their keys so they have access to the oils whenever they need them. Who wants one of these?” (Everyone raises their hands)

“So here’s the thing - you cannot purchase this from me. You earn it as a reward. If any of you would like me to come teach a fun class exactly like what we did today, I’ll send you home with one of these. You get an empty keychain when you put your class on the calendar right now so we will decide on a date right now and for each person who comes to your class, I’ll put an oil in your keychain!"

So if you have four people there I’ll put four little sample vials in your keychain and if you have eight I’ll fill the whole thing up.”

Schedule classes on your calendar right then, and send the empty keychains home with your class hosts as agreed. The goal is to book two classes from every class taught! This is how you blast out of your warm market!

Next time you chat with them (likely during the Wellness Consult), you’ll prepare them for their class and help them know how to properly sample their guests beforehand (If someone is only interested in holding a class but they don’t want to sample and follow up with their friends and family, don’t worry we will go exactly what to do in the daily Mentor Call that we talk about “Working with hostesses”.


For People Who Want to Buy, But Have Money Concerns

“This is awesome! Let me tell you what we are going to do: We’re going to book a class just like this, and I’ll come teach your family and friends. We’ll have tons of fun. We won’t have you sign up till those people come, and the commissions from that class will cover your kit. This will cost you nothing!”

“This is awesome! Let me tell you what we are going to do: We’re going to book a class just like this, and I’ll come teach your family and friends. We’ll have tons of fun. We won’t have you sign up till those people come, and the commissions from that class will cover your kit. This will cost you nothing!”

Daily Mentor Call 26: Basic Business Intro

Your Assignment: Review and Follow the Instructions Below when you Teach your Next Class

You will need:

  • Quick and easy refreshments like - apples slices spritzed with On Guard, brownies with peppermint frosting, etc.

  • If you want to use visuals, use the company’s Build Guides (especially helpful for explaining the compensation plan.)


This is the second exposure to the business.

Keep it under 20 minutes (your guests have already digested a lot of information!)


This is how you invite people to stay for you Basic Business Intro:

“For all of you that would like to stay and have some essential oil snacks, for the next 15 minutes we will have a discussion on “The joy of sharing Essential Oils...come join us.”


Here’s the flow of the Basic Business Intro:

  1. Share the story of building a pipeline vs. hauling buckets

  2. Show the BASIC compensation plan (this is NOT the time to start drawing circles and get fancy)

  3. Share business success stories, keep them simple and relatable (if you don’t know any, read any copy of the dōTERRA Leadership Magazine!)


When people show interest in the business, immediately schedule a 3-Way Builder Prospect Call with them and your Upline Leader. If you don’t have an engaged UPLINE leader, then you can do this call on your own. We will tell you exactly how to do this on our daily Mentor Call that talks about 3-Way Builder Prospect Calls.

Day 11

Day 11:

Daily Mentor Call 27: The Power of doTERRA’s Compensation Plan

Your Assignment: Watch the Webinar Below on the Compensation Plan

FREE Download: The Compensation Plan Powerpoint Presentation

Feel free to Download and Use this Powerpoint Presentation

Download the Compensation Plan Powerpoint: Click HERE

Daily Mentor Call 28: The Importance of Wellness Consults

Your Assignment: Read Below... That's IT!
The end target of our business is two fold:

  1. To help people change their health through the power of essential oils.

  2. To create long term residual income.


85% of the people that enroll with dōTERRA simply want to use the oils. If we don’t use this system that will help people who have purchased the oils continue purchasing the oils for a long time, we are missing out on 85% of our potential income. Return customers are where the residual income happens! Next you’ll learn to do a stellar Wellness Consult that you feel confident about, and that produces more Loyalty Rewards orders.

Daily Mentor Call 29: How to do a Wellness Consult

Your Assignment: Watch doTERRA's Wellness Consult - Review the Instructions Below - Practice the Scripts Provided with the Instructions Below

How to do a wellness consult

1. Look up their health challenges in The Essential Life book:

  • Write their health challenges and which oils will help them. Include oils they have and other oils they can try. Don’t give more than three oils per health challenge (you don’t want to overwhelm them!)

2. Daily Protocol

  • Find out when their ailments affect them. Then help them write down what times of day to use their products, including how to use them.

This is the morning, afternoon, and evening protocol you talked about!

3. “If I were stranded on a desert island, and I could only have one product with me, for sure - absolutely - it would be LLV. More people have gotten off prescription and over the counter drugs with this product than any other thing. Let me tell you what it does. It helps with 3 things:"

  • It reduces pain and inflammation

  • It gives us more energy

  • It helps us with our mood

  • “dōTERRA feels so strongly about it that they give a full money-back guarantee, even if you’ve used all of it. If after 30 days you haven’t received amazing results, you can return the empty bottles and get your money back. It’s a no-risk deal, and I always start with LLV.” (You can go into more detail about the components if you want.)”

4. Teach about LRP

  • It’s like frequent flyer miles, but you get 10-30% back instead of the usual 2%

  • Smartest way to stay consistent with a wellness protocol

  • Great way to try new products

  • Customize your order each month

  • Earn shipping rewards

  • Get the FREE oil of the month (for 125PV orders by the 15th)

5. Set up an example LRP order

  • Show them exactly where to set up LRP on their computer

  • “So I’m going to help you set up your first month’s LRP right here, and then I’m going to show you how to change it.”

  • Set up an LRP based on month 1 of their 90-day wellness plan.

  • “Tell me what your priorities are. Obviously LLV, and what else?” (Use the LRP kits if it matches their need.)

  • Give them a book if they set up their LRP

6. Invite to Continuing Education

  • Plug them into your team’s Facebook groups and continuing education program

  • If they’re hosting a class, talk about it here.

Referrals are the simplest way to keep your business growing without ever running out of people to talk to! Try a simple script like this:

"I can't tell you how happy I am that you've got these amazing oils in your life. I know a lot of people have health challenges, and wish they could address them naturally. Who do you know that I should reach out to? I'd love to help anyone you have come to mind.”

Day 12:

Day 12

Daily Mentor Call 30: Invite them to Continuing Education

Your Assignment: Review the Instructions Below and Practice the Scripts Provided with the Instructions. Apply what you Learned at your Next Wellness Consult

Building a VERY Loyal Customer Base

Invite them to Continuing Education classes at the end of your wellness consult.


Once a new customer is enrolled and has had a Wellness Consult, it’s time to plug them into Continuing Ed! Continuing Education is where new users become exposed to the vast possibilities of essential oils and oil-inspired products. You want your customers participating in Continuing Ed because that’s where they become customers for life.


If your team has a form of Continuing Ed happening, Tap into it before you invest time and energy creating your own.

The most common Continuing Ed programs are usually a rotation of specialty topic classes.


Inviting a Customer to Continuing Ed

“You’re doing an incredible job at investing in a natural lifestyle, and I want you to get the absolute most of this. Because you have enrolled with doTERRA you receive free essential oil education that I want you to take advantage of because it’s amazing. There are literally endless possibilities: Balancing hormones, natural weight loss, pain management, mood and emotional support, detoxing, and lots more."


“The good news is that you get this for free, but you’re going to want to participate while all of this is fresh in your memory. I’m going to plug you into it, and all I want you to do is to have fun learning and exploring. See how many areas of your life you can improve because you know how to use essential oils now.”


Don’t drop them at the doorstep!

The goal of Continuing Education is to help a customer find 4 or 5 products they’ll never want to live without.


If you are plugging customers and new builders into an existing Continuing Ed program, don’t just dump them and leave them! Participate. If your team has live Continuing Ed classes, attend them with your customers.

Daily Mentor Call 31: Continuing Education

Your Assignment: Review the Information Below - Either Send your Customers to an Existing Continuing Education Program (Like the Wednesday Webinar for example) or Start Doing One yourself

The simplest way to do Continuing Ed is to rotate among topics each week for 8 weeks. You can find pre-written class tear pads for all of these topics at Oil Life. While you can do many kinds of bonus classes (chakras, back to school, oils of the bible, etc), the following are the main topics that have proven to engage new customers in the dōTERRA lifestyle:

1. Essential Oils 101

2. The Power Behind Proper Health & LLV

3. Healthy Weight Lifestyle

4. Emotional Wellness, Hormone Balance, & Mood Management

5. Body Balance with AromaTouch Technique

6. Skin Care

7. Essential Science

8. Pain Management


Continuing Ed Recognition

Find creative ways to congratulate people who participate in Continuing Ed! Recognition goes a long way, and people love to feel like they’re part of something important.

Possibilities for recognition:

• Certificate of graduation after attending all classes

• Punch card with a prize after a certain number of punches

• Recognition on team Facebook group

• Recognition gift (like a diffuser) for completing Continuing Ed


Business Training

An effective Continuing Ed program will include a basic business training after each Continuing Ed event. Why right after? Because everyone is already there!

If you do an 4-week rotation of classes, that’s 8 more exposures your customers have to the business! Repeat exposures make your product users more likely to dive into the possibility of a dōTERRA business.


What to do for the weekly Business Training

  • Keep it to 30-45 minutes

  • Cycle through parts the Basic Duplication Model each week:

  1. Getting Started (Making a list, Sampling, Inviting to a class)

  2. Compensation Plan

  3. How to Teach an Essential Oil Class

  4. Elite in 6 Weeks

Day 13:

Day 13

Call 32: The Elite Cycle

Your Assignment: Watch The Webinar Below

FREE Download: Get the Powerpoint Presentation That Allyse Used for the Webinar Above

Download the PowerPoint Presentation about the Ineffective vs Effective Build to Elite

To Download the PowerPoint Presentation: Click HERE

Daily Mentor Call 33: Diamond Club

Whenever You Can Have Someone Else Pay for You to Build Your Business... DO IT!

Your Challenge: This One is Not an Assignment But Rather a Challenge for YOU to Do Diamond Club if it Makes Sense and Also for You to Get As Many of Your Team Members to Do Diamond Club As Possible. Remember, Diamond Club Comes Around Twice Per Year. Promote it in Your Team EVERY Time.

Day 14:

Day 14

Daily Mentor Call 34: Essential Oil Studies

Your Assignment: Review the Information Below
Studies are one of the easiest, high-enrolling recruiting methods. They provide a simple and non-threatening way to introduce essential oils to many new people, and to help them enroll at the end of the study.


Through the study process, participants will use the oils, have a chance to track and report their experiences, and receive ongoing education. Participants will also be integrated into a study community and your team’s essential oil community.


The process outline below has been proven time and again. DO NOT TWEAK anything in the study process. Tweaking breaks the proven process!



Key Elements of the Study


Studies take place over a 14-day period


This is NOT a medical study. This study is to find individuals who have not used essential oils and other dōTERRA products, and to help them fall in love with and starting using the products.


Studies work best when you gather participants at the end of a month, and start the study at the beginning of the next month.


Each participant will receive:

  • Initial questionnaire

  • A schedule for the two week study and classes

  • Oils for the study (about 28 drops per sample)

  • A-Z guide

  • Final Questionnaire


You’ll need a Facebook group for ALL your study participants (especially if you are running multiple studies at once)

Have an initial and a conclusion questionnaire for all participants

Have a special incentive for enrollment at the end of the study


Study topics (in order of effectiveness)

  • Digestion: DigestZen, Lemon, Peppermint

  • Pain: Deep Blue Rub/oil, Peppermint

  • Sleep: Lavender/Lavender Peace, Serenity Softgels

  • Stress & Mood: Balance/Peace, Wild Orange or Elevation


Each Wellness Advocate needs to keep in regular contact with their own participants. Check in with participants


Step 1: Identify Study Participants

  • 1-2 weeks prior to the start of the study, find and invite people to participate in the study (people who are not enrolled in doTERRA).

  • Consider the influencers you’re inviting. Are they Annas or Bubbas? Are they likely to build (4-7 stars)?

  • Look for and invite people who are dealing with specific issues related to the study topic being done.

  • Do multiple studies at a time to cast a wider net.

  • Have as many people on your team inviting people to participate as possible.

  • Each team member should invite 10-20 participants. (More than 20 people gets hard to follow up.)


Step 2: Before-Study Live Class

The study begins with a live class. This is critical for high enrollment rates. Following this formula creates an 85%+ enrollment rate (15-30% for an online class).


  • Welcome & Explanation

  • Explain that this is not a medical study.

  • Explain that the goal of the study is to compare each participant’s personal results from one week to the next.

  • 3 Cool Things about Oils

  • 3 Ways to Use Oils

  • Remind everyone that everyone’s bodies are different, and that we’ll find a solution that works for you.

  • Review which products will be used during the study.

  • Demonstrate exactly how to use the products.

  • Show the products for all 4 studies at once

  • Review the schedule and expectations

  • Provide the schedule for the two week study.

  • Pass physical copies of the Initial Questionnaire (use Google Forms for online).

  • Provide oils and A-Z guide for the study.


Step 3: Check Up

CALL each participant two days after the live class to find out what their experience has been.


“Have you had an opportunity to use your oils yet?” Use the Effective Sampling method! Do it until they’ve had a WOW experience.


Step 4: Add to the Facebook Group

Add participants to the study Facebook group. Remember to use ONE group for all the studies at once (people will see experiences from other studies that they want to have themselves!)


Only add participants after they’ve had their WOW experience so that the activity and energy in the group is high.


Step 5: Run the Facebook Group

  • Have a different short video of an oil every day.

  • Think ahead to which incentives you’ll offer with enrollments. Be sure to share videos about those incentives to stimulate excitement before you unveil the incentives!

  • Consider using Facebook Live for short testimonials or presentations.

  • Have Q&A.

  • Invite a special guest to present on a relevant topic (5-10 minutes only).

  • Offer giveaways for those who share stories and engage each day. Get creative! Use oils, sample bottles, keychains, etc.

  • Do different prizes each day, and have different limitations on each prize (offer a few larger prizes sometimes and unlimited small prizes sometimes). Do more giveaways that lots of people can win.

  • Example: “If you post 5 ways to use your _______, you get ______.”

  • Example: “Post a screenshot of a text you’ve sent someone telling them how cool your oils are to win a ________!”


Step 6: Post-Study Live Class

The class after the study is where everyone enrolls! This is where all the prizes are handed out (they have to attend to get their prizes!), it’s where you share the enrollment specials, and it’s where your study produces actual results.


  • Welcome & thank everyone for participating

  • Testimonials (this is where you left off from the first class!)

  • This is where participants get exposed to other areas of health (they see what people in other studies experienced).

  • Transition to 3 ways to purchase the oils

  • Explain the enrollment kits

  • Offer enrollment incentives

  • Incentives only last 48 hours from the time of the class.

  • Use corporate incentives as much as possible.

Examples of incentives you can do:

     Family Essentials = Ice Blue Rub

     Home Essentials = Roman Chamomile

     Natural Solutions = Frankincense


  • Share your most powerful testimonial

  • Close the class as you would with a normal intro class (pass out books and enrolment forms)

  • Book classes from this class

  • Give out prizes from the study

  • Basic Business Intro (BBI)


What if you can’t do the classes live?

Do them online. Just know that enrolment rates are drastically higher when the classes are live.


What if people don’t live in the same area?

Use an online class.


What if people don’t come to the live class for their prize?

It’s your call, but it’s more effective if you have them come to the class to claim their prize!


Additional Resources: Studies System
Presidential Diamond Kyle Kirschbaum has Created a system around Studies. He provides much of the needed materials. If you are interested, Click Here

Day 15:

Day 15

Call 35: Calling Tree​

Your Assignment: Watch the Webinar About Calling Trees - Review The Scripts Below The Video and Plan When You Will Do a Calling Tree Activity

When You Do a Calling Tree Activity...Make it a Party!

Calling Tree Scripts

For people purchasing, but not on LRP:

Hi, this is _______, I work in doTERRA. We’re actually in the same organization and I’m part of your support team. I was looking in the system and I noticed that you seem to really enjoy the oils. You purchase them regularly. Tell me which oils are your favorites? What got you involved with essential oils? You know, there’s an amazing promotion going on, and I didn’t want you to miss out on it. It’s a promotion that each person who signs up with doTERRA can receive. The best part is that it is absolutely free because you’ve already earned it. When you sign up with doTERRA you are eligible to have a Wellness Consult. Wellness Consults are amazing. Sometimes when people first receive their oils, they’re still not quite sure how to use them. At a Wellness Consult, someone visits with you for half an hour, usually at your home, if that’s not possible, then it can be done over the phone. First we look at what products you already have and what ailments or health goals you want to address. Then, we come up with an exact wellness plan for you and your family to get the most benefit out of the oils you have ordered. We actually give you a morning, afternoon and night routine of exactly how you can use your oils to achieve your health goals. The best part is its free because you are a doTERRA member. I would love to schedule a time that we can get together. Do you have time _____________ or __________________? Let me give you my contact information. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. My number is _______________ and my email is ___________________. I’m looking forward to seeing you at your Wellness Consult.


For people on LRP:

Hi, this is _______, I work in doTERRA. We’re actually in the same organization and I’m part of your support team. I was looking in the system and I noticed that you seem to really enjoy the oils. You purchase them every month. Tell me which oils are your favorites? What got you involved with essential oils? It’s awesome that you are taking advantage of the Loyalty Rewards Program, but there’s an amazing promotion going on that I don’t think you are aware of, and I didn’t want you to miss out on it. It’s a promotion that each person who signs up with doTERRA can receive. The best part is that it is absolutely free because you’ve already earned it. When you sign up with doTERRA you are eligible to have a Wellness Consult. Wellness Consults are amazing. Sometimes when people first receive their oils, they’re still not quite sure how to use them. At a Wellness Consult, someone visits with you for half an hour, usually at your home, if that’s not possible, then it can be done over the phone. First we look at what products you already have and what ailments or health goals you want to address. Then, we come up with an exact wellness plan for you and your family to get the most benefit out of the oils you have ordered. We actually give you a morning, afternoon and night routine of exactly how you can use your oils to achieve your health goals. The best part is its free because you are a doTERRA member. I would love to schedule a time that we can get together. Do you have time _____________ or __________________? Let me give you my contact information. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. My number is _______________ and my email is ___________________. I’m looking forward to seeing you at your Wellness Consult.


For people with an LRP scheduled but their card isn’t processing:

Hi, this is _______, I work in doTERRA. We’re actually in the same organization and I’m part of your support team. You know, there’s an amazing promotion going on, and I didn’t want you to miss out on it. It’s a promotion that each person who signs up with doTERRA can receive. The best part is that it is absolutely free because you’ve already earned it. When you sign up with doTERRA you are eligible to have a Wellness Consult. Wellness Consults are amazing. Sometimes when people first receive their oils, they’re still not quite sure how to use them. At a Wellness Consult, someone visits with you for half an hour, usually at your home, if that’s not possible, then it can be done over the phone. First we look at what products you already have and what ailments or health goals you want to address. Then, we come up with an exact wellness plan for you and your family to get the most benefit out of the oils you have ordered. We actually give you a morning, afternoon and night routine of exactly how you can use your oils to achieve your health goals. The best part is its free because you are a doTERRA member. I would love to schedule a time that we can get together. Do you have time _____________ or __________________? I noticed at one point you had set up a Loyalty Rewards order, it’s still set up and in the system, but it’s not processing, so I wanted to give you a couple of reasons why it may not have processed in some time; some people keep waiting for their product and they wonder why it hasn’t shipped. So maybe one of the reasons why it hasn’t shipped is because you have an old or expired credit card on file. And once that credit card is expired, they can’t charge that card anymore and send you what you want. Or maybe it’s a card you aren’t using anymore. In any case, if it’s something you’d like to fix, I can help you with that at your Wellness Consult. Let me give you my contact information. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. My number is _______________ and my email is ___________________. I’m looking forward to seeing you at your Wellness Consult.

For people who haven’t ordered in a while:

Hi, this is _______, I work in doTERRA. We’re actually in the same organization and I’m part of your support team. I was looking in the system and I noticed that you haven’t ordered in a while, and I wanted to know if you have any questions about the oils. Tell me which kit you purchased and what got you involved with essential oils? There’s an amazing promotion going on that I think you would really enjoy and I didn’t want you to miss out on it. It’s a promotion that each person who signs up with doTERRA can receive. The best part is that it is absolutely free because you’ve already earned it. When you sign up with doTERRA you are eligible to have a Wellness Consult. Wellness Consults are amazing. Sometimes when people first receive their oils, they’re still not quite sure how to use them. At a Wellness Consult, someone visits with you for half an hour, usually at your home, if that’s not possible, then it can be done over the phone. First we look at what products you already have and what ailments or health goals you want to address. Then, we come up with an exact wellness plan for you and your family to get the most benefit out of the oils you have ordered. We actually give you a morning, afternoon and night routine of exactly how you can use your oils to achieve your health goals. The best part is its free because you are a doTERRA member. I would love to schedule a time that we can get together. Do you have time _____________ or __________________? Let me give you my contact information. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. My number is _______________ and my email is ___________________. I’m looking forward to seeing you at your Wellness Consult.

FREE Download: Calling Tree Scripts PDF Document

Feel Free to Download the Calling Tree Scripts PDF Document

Download the Calling Tree Scripts PDF Document: Click HERE

Daily Mentor Call 36: Referrals

Your Assignment: Review the Steps Below - Practice the Scripts - Make Your List of Influential People - Go Get Some Referrals

It is in the DOING That Your Business Flourishes


Make a list of at least 100 of the most influential people you know. Use a memory jogger if needed.
For the dōTERRA memory jogger Click HERE.


For each person on your list, decide if you will use the PRODUCT, or BUSINESS approach.



Call each person on your list.



“Hi Lisa. Do you have a couple of minutes to talk to me? Great. Lisa you’re one of the most influential people that I know. And I really value your opinion. When your excited about something everyone listens to you. I have fallen in love with Essential Oils, it’s change my life and my families life. It’s also become a very successful business for me. I want to bring you some free product, some samples for you to try, I think you’ll fall in love with them like I have. I know that when you really believe in something you naturally talk to other people about it and people listen to you. I really hoping to spread the word about Essential oils. I’d love to drop some free samples off to you and get your opinion of what you think. Because truly you are one of the most influential people that I know and I value your opinion. If you have a minute could we talk about a few ailments or health concerns that you and your family are having? That way I could bring you the most beneficial samples for your needs.”

If they don’t answer the phone, send them the following text message:

“I’ve been thinking about you lately. You are one of the most influential people I know. I trust your opinion. I would love to talk to you and ask you a question."

Drop off product and follow up to see how they liked it. Ask them if they know others who would love to share this product with other people or would love some free product.

They do know people that would love to share or love free product say:

“Do you mind calling or texting them and telling them that I’m going to be contacting them?”



“Hi Lisa I’m so grateful that you answered the call, I’m really excited to talk to you today. I’ve been thinking a lot about you lately, you’re one of the most influential people that I know. People really listen to you and trust your opinion. I have fallen in love with Essential Oils, it’s change my life and my families life. We have been so blessed financially because of sharing Essential Oils and our business has done very well. I’m looking for a specific type of person that seems to do incredibly well with sharing Essential Oils. I’m wanting to put my time, talents and resources into them so that they can have similar success like me. I wanted to call you and explain exactly who I’m looking for, hopefully someone that could be a perfect fit. I figured you would know type of person that I’m looking for. I’m looking for women, about 30 to 55 years old. They’re really into natural things. They also have a money need so they want to earn money and they’re very influential, basically people listen to them. Do you know someone who has these qualities?”

- Women
- 30 to 55 years old
- Interested in Natural things
- Interested in making money
- Influential

If they do know people that fit this description say:

“Do you mind calling or texting them and telling them that I’m going to be contacting them?”

You could even offer what they could say or text to the person to get them excited to talk to you.


Your influential person would say or text this to the person they are referring to you:

“I have a friend that is wanting to put some time and resources into a specific type of person and when they were describing this person to me I thought of you. I think it would be beneficial for you To talk to this person, it might lead to something fantastic.”



Figure out what incentive to give them for referring (product or a referral fee or something else...).





You could say for product approach:

“Hi Jen, I was talking to Lisa the other day and she told me that you might be interested in trying some free Essential Oils. I would love to come and drop some off to you.”


You could say for business approach:

“Hi Jen, I was talking to Lisa the other day and I explained to her this amazing type of person I was looking for that I wanted to put time and resources into and she said you are just what I was describing. Lisa really thinks highly of you...”




Daily Mentor Call 37: 3-Way Builder Prospect Calls

Your Assignment: Watch the Webinar - Review the Instructions - Practice the Scripts - Go have Some 3-Way Builder Prospect Calls

3-Way Builder Prospect Calls

The magic of presenting the opportunity is that you don’t have to know it inside and out. It’s actually a series of magical questions that are most effective at helping builder prospects feel connection with you and ultimately want to build a dōTERRA business.

This process adds credibility to your business proposition. It leverages the social influence and the success of your Upline as well. While you can do this presentation on your own, it is highly recommended that you have a Silver or above be the leader on this call (as well as the follow-up call!)

When to use the 3-Way Builder Prospect Call?

Whenever someone is interested in the business! The sooner you can get them on this call, the sooner you’ll be able to engage and enroll them in the business.

Script for 3-Way Builder Prospect Call

1. Builder edifies the Upline leader.

Before the 3-way call the builder needs to properly edify the Upline leader in order to build trust between you and their prospect. Once they have done this, they MUST be quiet and let you control the conversation.

2. Take time to ask Discovery Questions.

• Tell me about…
• How long have you…

3. Ask Need/Problem Questions.

• What do you see the next 5 years looking like? (You’re looking for what needs to change)
• What is the most frustrating thing about (job, financial situation, home life, etc.)
• What would you like to change about (job, financial situation, home life, etc.)
• What financial goals are you wanting to accomplish?


4. Ask Pain Questions.

• What impact does this have on your family?
• What impact does this have on your job?
• What are the consequences of not solving this issue?

5. Ask Solution/Benefit Questions.

• How valuable would it be to you...?
• What benefits do you see from...?
• If you could wave your magic wand, and dōTERRA was exactly what you wanted it to be in your life, what would that look like?

6. Find how to best support them in their dōTERRA business

• Would you like to supplement or replace your income?
• What does it mean to you to supplement/replace your income? ($500, $1,000, $2,000, $5,000, $10,000/mo.)
• By when would you like to reach this income goal? (3, 6, 12, 24 months)
• How many hours per week would you be able to commit to your dōTERRA business in order to reach your goal?

7. Answer questions

• “I think I understand more clearly what your goals are, and how I can support you in those goals. Is there anything else that you need to know in order for you to feel comfortable building a residual income with dōTERRA?” (If they have more questions, answer them.)

8. Give Call to Action

• “What I’d like to do is schedule another call in a few days. That will give me time to mull over what you’ve shared with me, and come up with a 30, 60, and 90-day plan to help you achieve your goals. Does that sound good? What time works best for you?”

9. Reverse-edify & end the call.

• If you were presenting the Opportunity for one of your builder’s prospects, reverse-edify your builder

10.Tell them you have really enjoyed talking to them. Make sure you use dynamic listening skills.

(Remember a detail about the conversation from what they told you earlier in the conversation and refer to it).

Tell them that you look forward to putting a business plan together with them

• If the prospect hasn’t been sampled yet, be sure the builder samples them ASAP using Effective Sampling.
• If they already know they want to start using dōTERRA, the builder can enroll them (They may need a One-on-One or Intro to Oils class if they haven’t been taught about dōTERRA products yet.)


FREE Download: 3-Way Builder Prospect Call Powerpoint Presentation

Download the Powerpoint Presentation From the Webinar so That You Can Train Your Team

Download the Powerpoint Presentation: Click HERE

Daily Mentor Call 38: 3-Way Builder Follow Up Call

Your Assignment: Watch the Webinar - Review the Information Below - Follow Up with your Builders with Whom you did the 3-Way Builder Prospect Call

3-Way Builder Follow-Up Call
Start the call by referring to something they said in the previous call. This builds a lot of trust and credibility, and allows you can go back to the same place you were on the first call.

This call is where you need to talk, not just listen.

Set Business Goals
“Ok, I’ve been thinking about you and the goals and dreams you shared with me. I’m really excited about what you’ve told me, and I have a question to ask you: Would you like me to be realistic with you today, or tell you what you want to hear?"

“We’ve watched a lot of people build this business, and we have seen many people become successful in this business. We’ve been able to gather averages with thousands of people building the business to see how long it takes and how much time they put in on a weekly basis, and how much money they make as a result."

“Now, I don’t think I’m average, and I don’t think you’re average - and together I definitely don’t think we’ll be average. But it’s good to have these averages so we have a good starting point."

“Let’s look at your goals. You told me you’d like to be earning $________ by (date)________. If I look at a chart with company averages, that’s about __________ rank. This averages chart also tells us that (their target rank) typically takes (x number of months) to achieve. So to be realistic, one of these numbers needs to change..."

“Either you could increase the hours you work, or increase the length of time it will take to get there. What would you be willing to adjust?” (Let them answer)"

Adjust numbers until you have a realistic goal. (i.e. “Ok, so you want to do 35 hours a week, and want to be making $1,000. Would it be ok if we made the goal 6 months instead of 3 months?”)

If someone says they want to put in fewer than 15 hours a week, say, “I have never seen anyone make significant residual income working fewer than 15 hours a week. 15 hours is really the minimum time to gain the momentum you’ll need.”

Settle on a goal and timeframe they feel positive about. Then tell them you’ll both try to overshoot the goal (which most people will be very happy with!)

FREE Downloads: Download the PowerPoint from the Webinar and the Time to Rank PDF

Download & Use These to Build Your doTERRA Downline and Train Your Team

Download the Powerpoint from the 3-Way Builder Follow Up Call Webinar: Click HERE

Download the Time to Rank and Average Incomes PDF Document: Click HERE

Day 16:

Day 16

Daily Mentor Call 39

No Associated Assignment!

Daily Mentor Call 40: 6 weeks to Elite


The Most Effective Way to Launch New Builders

Your Assignment: Watch The Webinar Below - Review The Instructions Below the Video - Set a Date When You Will Launch "6 Weeks To ELITE" (Yes, Even if You Are Diamond or Above)

The most effective way to launch new builders is 6 Weeks to Elite. This generates the most momentum, gives a builder a better opportunity to find their own builders right at the start, and lets them place more strategically by having many enrollments all in the same 14-day placement window.


Time Required

  • 20 hours a week (15 is the minimum to gain proper momentum building this business)

  • 2 weeks to sample properly

  • A week where they can host 4 classes in one week

  • Continue to teach two classes a week for another 3 weeks and then teach one class a week ongoing

Weeks 1-2

  • Create a Names List

  • Rank the list with the 7-Star Rating System

  • Start Effective Sampling & Inviting with the people who have the most stars by their name

  • Sample at least 45 people (you want to fill your classes!)

  • Speed up the building process by scheduling 3-Way Builder Prospect Calls with your upline early on!


Week 3

  • Launch week! Host 4 classes in a week

  • Try to do a couple of weeknight classes and a couple on the weekend

  • Set a goal to book 2 new classes from each class taught

  • Schedule 3-Way Builder Prospect Calls with those interested from the Basic Business Intro at the end of each class


Week 4

  • Wellness Consults with the enrollments from Week 3 • 3-Way Builder Prospect Calls


Weeks 5-6

  • Teach classes booked from your first classes • Continue booking classes from classes

  • Continue finding new builders

FREE Download: Get The 6 Weeks To Elite Presentation PDF Slides

Feel Free to Download the PDF Slides That Allyse Used For This Webinar. Use it to Review The Steps & Train Your Downline


Download the 6 Weeks To Elite Presentation PDF Slides: Click HERE

Daily Mentor Call 41

Make The Most Out of Your Classes Booked From Classes

Your Assignment: Review The Instructions Below & Apply Immediately to Your Business

How to work with hostesses

  • Book a class that others will host at the end of your Intro to essential oils class

  • If they put a date on the calendar for their class give them an empty 8-vial keychain to take home.

  • For every person that comes to the class give them a sample vial of essential oil to put in their keychain.

  • There are different types of people that host classes

  1. The type of person that just wants to share information with their friends and family but does not want to make any money.

  2. The second type wants to share the product and possibly pay for the oils that they purchase.

  3. The third type wants to host a class because they want to build a business


  • Talk about their class at the Wellness Consult not at the Essential Oils class because it’s too overwhelming at the beginning.


Script: “We have a class date set for a specific time and I would like to make that class just as successful as the class that you attended. I would like to have all of your friends that come to the class have a powerful experience just like you did. I am going to write down for you all of the steps that I did to make sure that you had a good experience. So it’s clear what it takes to give someone a great experience at the class and so that it can change their lives.”


  1. Call and ask if they would be interested in a sample.

  2. Deliver the sample.

  3. Follow up with that sample, possibly deliver another sample until they have a good experience with the oils.

  4. Invite to a class.

  5. Call two days before the class.

  6. Text two hours before the class. 


  • The hostess needs to look at this list and decide which of these things they would like to do and which things they would like the leader to do.

  • The hostess needs to decide what level of involvement with preparation for the class that they are comfortable with.

  • This is a great way for you know what type of person you’re dealing with. Whether it’s a sharer or a builder.

  • If you’re dealing with a hostess that doesn’t want to make money or a sharer, you will need to provide the sample vials, oils, stickers and the essential oil reference guides.

Day 17:

Day 17

Daily Mentor Call 42: It Doesn’t Matter What Works It Matters What Duplicates

Duplication. Duplication. Duplication.

Your Assignment: Read Below...That's All for Today

Let It Sink In


Today’s message is very simple but it’s very profound if you want to be really successful in your doTERRA business. It doesn’t matter what works, it only matters what duplicates.This has been true for a long, long time. However, people fall in love with what works for them and they forget about creating a system for your organization that can work for anyone.


It doesn’t matter what works for you it matters what you are able to duplicate. The way you become financially free is Lead a large group of people to do a few simple things over a sustained period of time. So everything that you do in your business has to be measured on that scale.


Every time you think of implementing something new you must think to yourself can a large group of people do this over a sustained period of time. So don’t fall in love with what works for you, because what works for you doesn’t necessarily work for the vast majority of people.


For example just because you’re an aesthetician and would love to share the oils with all the spas around does that necessarily mean you should use this as a duplication model for your entire team, no. Just because you work with animals and you want to talk to all the veterinarians about the oils does this necessarily mean you should use this as a duplication model, absolutely not. Just because you have a really easy time selling diamond kits does that mean that the rest of your team should only sell diamond kits and you should use this as a duplication model, no, no,no.


Use all of your talent, all of your skill and all of your passion to get the majority of your team doing a few simple actions like: sampling correctly, following up correctly, inviting to a class correctly and teaching a very duplicatable class. This will propel your team way farther than introducing lots of different non-duplicatable practices that work for a very small percentage of the people on your team.  


It doesn’t matter what works it matters what duplicates.

Daily Mentor Call 43: Placements - Who Are We Looking For?

The Key to Time FREEDOM

Your Assignment: Go Through Your the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Levels of Your Organisation and Classify Them as Users, Sharers, or Builders (If They are Builders, are They Committed, Capable or Both)


If you want to have a long-term, sustainable, truly residual income that lasts for years and decades, you should have ONE GOAL when it comes to placements: TIME FREEDOM.


If you place irresponsibly, rushing to get Power of 3 bonuses or to pop to Premier rank prematurely, you may create a mess for yourself later on. 


The most sustainable business structure is where your key partners are Committed and Capable. When your legs are all build beneath Committed and Capable builders (rather than less committed/capable builders, sharers, and customers), your momentum will increase exponentially. 


Ideal Team Structure 

  • Level 1: Committed and Capable builders

  • Level 2: Committed OR Capable builders

  • Level 3: Customers & Sharers


Committed means they do what they say they’re going to do, when they say they’ll do it. You determine commitment by how they treat their earliest commitments with dōTERRA. Do they keep their appointments? When you ask them to watch a video or read an email, do they do it? 


Capable means they can bring people to the table. They can figure things out. They can sign people up. You determine capability by watching if they can get people to classes, bring people to you, or enroll people themselves. They can also tap into resources to learn to do things themselves. 


Utilize the 14-day placement window to determine if a builder is Committed and Capable. Don't guess. Give them chances to demonstrate it. 

What happens if someone is either Committed or Capable, but not both?


Someone who doesn’t demonstrate both Commitment and Capability is great for your 2nd level. These are valuable Builders who will likely require more time and energy from you, which is why they don’t go on your front line. 


By keeping a high standard for your closest business partners, you show up like a professional who can attract the kind of partners you’re looking for. This doesn’t mean you disregard people who don’t fit your mold perfectly. You welcome all to your team, and you also make smart decisions about your resources of time and energy.

Day 18:

Day 18

Daily Mentor Call 44: The Biggest Mistakes We Make When Placing People


Avoid Common Placement Pitfalls

Your Assignment: Review The Biggest Mistakes We Make When Placing People Shown Below & Avoid Making Them in The Future

Learn From Your Mistakes. Don't Repeat Them.


Avoid these biggest mistakes we make when placing people:


1. Putting product users and sharers on your front line.


  • Whenever you put product users or shares on your front line and build underneath and you take away your time freedom and you’re either dragging the person along or wanting the business more than they do.


2. Placing family (who aren’t CCs) on your front line.


  • You can’t hold your family accountable!

  • You don’t want to bring that stress and pressure into your relationships. You don’t want to set up the situation where they think dōTERRA is more important than your relationship with them.


3. Not clustering by location


  • Place people where they will be supported by the right CC leader under you.


4. Not placing by relationships


  • Keep people together by relationships as much as you can so that people who normally interact together also work together.

  • Placing by relationships always trumps location.

Daily Mentor Call 45: Solving Our Placement Problems

Ahhhh! This is The One Everyone Has Been Waiting For

Your Assignment: Watch The Webinar Below And Then Create Your Own Placement Strategy (How You Will Address Mistakes From The Past & Build a Bright Future)


Now You Know Better... So You Can Do Better

How to Solve Placement Issues


1. Form a new leg.

  • It’s much easier to give birth than to raise someone from the dead!

  • We avoid this because it was painful to build legs originally when we did it wrong. But NOW that we know how to do it correctly, it’s much

  • easier!

  • It’s usually MUCH easier and faster to just build a new leg than to try to resurrect a dead leg.


2. Place a new CC under an existing leg.

  • Your goal is to have all your qualifiers be CC’s.


3. Account Transfer

  • Always test people before you transfer them (“Can you get 3 real leader prospects on a 3-way call with me this week?”)

  • Make it a win-win for the person transferring out.


4. Enrollership change


5. Placement swap


6. Terminate accounts


7. Exceptions committee - They always say no to:

  • A move that makes you a new rank

  • A move that fills in Power of 3

  • A move over 1,000 OV

  • Always let your downline turn in their own exceptions. Otherwise it will count as one of yours (and they seem to cap exceptions at 3.)

FREE Download: Download the PDF Slides to Allyse's Placements Webinar so You Can Review The Concepts And Teach Them to Your Downline

Feel Free to Download The Presentation Slides


Download the Presentation Slides: Click HERE

Day 19:

Day 19

Daily Mentor Call 46: Weekly Success Schedule - Intro To Oils - Basic Business Training


Putting It All Together

Your Assignment: Putting It All Together


Consistency is KEY

What’s the surest way to success? It’s being unyieldingly consistent with the core business-building activities. These activities compound on each other when they happen in a dedicated fashion.


Seven Crucial Weekly Activities for Success

  1. Introduction to Oils Class

  2. Basic Business

  3. Wellness Consults

  4. Continuing Education Class

  5. Team Call

  6. Strategy Sessions with Key Builders

  7. Contacting and Follow-up


We will attach a sample Weekly Success Schedule. It contains every core business building activity to grow your business. Notice all the white space, and also how many activities can easily be fit in between other priorities (family, other job, etc.) Commit to building seriously, and your results will become serious!


Doing this weekly success schedule every week for 12 months is the surest way to Diamond in 12 months.


Intro to Oils Class

  • You must have the same class at the same time on the same day in the same place.

  • This speeds up duplication because anybody someone wants to bring someone to a class, they know there’s an oil class to bring them to.

  • Pretty soon you have 100 people duplicating the same class each week with thousands of new enrollments.

  • When you have a week with little or no attendance, you don’t worry it isn’t working.

  • This weekly class is critical for massive duplication.


Basic Business Training (30 minutes)

  • This happens directly after your oil class every single week.

  • This must happen right after your oil class because the people are already there in the room!

  • This gives them an additional exposure to the business!

  • Talk about three things:

  1. Building a Pipeline (residual income)

  2. Simplified Compensation Plan (what’s the possibility of what dōTERRA can be for them? This is not the time to get complex and draw circles!)

  3. Business Success Stories (don’t share the money; share how it changes someone’s life and experience.)


At the end of the class is when you can bring out Essential Oil treats, lots of people stay for the treats and then they have the opportunity to be exposed to the business.


Wellness Consults

You can have a few times every week that are available for people to make appointments for wellness consult. That way your schedule can stay Consistent.

FREE Downloads: Download the Webinar Presentation Slides and The Sample Weekly Success Schedule

These Are Free For Your Use in Building Your Business & Training Your Team


Download the Weekly Success Schedule Webinar Presentation PDF Slides: Click HERE

Download the Sample Weekly Success Schedule PDF: Click HERE

Day 20:

Day 20

Daily Mentor Call 48: Weekly Success Schedule - Team Call


One of The Key Activities in doTERRA

Your Assignment: Review the Notes Below & Participate in a Weekly Team Call (Yours if You Are Diamond or Above - Your Upline Diamond's Team Call if You Aren't Diamond Yet)

Team Call

  • 30 minutes max on Monday nights 

  • This is held by Diamonds and above (your team needs to be big enough)

  • Team calls work best Monday night at the beginning of the week.

  • These are important so that nobody gets left behind.

  • Schedule

  • Welcome (2 minutes)

  • Product training (5 minutes)

  • Training on a specific business skill (whatever is coming up in the strategy calls) (15 minutes)

  • Recognition or Testimonials (5 minutes)

    • Find unique things to recognize

    • Someone who goes out of the way to be at an event

    • Someone who enrolls someone with a big kit

  • Reminders & close (upcoming events & Promotions) (3 minutes)

Daily Mentor Call 49: Weekly Success Schedule - Strategy Sessions


Now It's Time to Plan Your Weekly Success Schedule

Your Assignment: Create YOUR Weekly Success Schedule - If You Haven't Watched the Weekly Success Schedule Webinar That You Got With Call 46 You Can Watch It Now

You Should Have Already Watched This Webinar With Daily Mentor Call 46

Strategy Sessions


  • These strategy sessions should happen every single week until someone is Diamond.

  • Make sure they are scheduled for the same day at the same time.

  • Have your leaders call you, you don’t have to chase them.

  • If someone is full-time in the business schedule a full hour with them each week. If someone is part time in the business schedule a half hour with them each week.

  • Try to have all of your strategy sessions in the same block of time, it’s easier for you and they tend to not go long if someone is right behind them.

  • You can do strategy sessions in person or over the phone.

  • If someone won’t get on a strategy call with you, it’s because you aren’t offering value.

  • You’re number one objective is to follow up with them on their three goals from the following week and set three more goals for the coming week.

  • Make sure they commit what day they will accomplish all of their goals and hold them accountable by texting them throughout the week and asking them if they have accomplished their goals.

  • For Example: If Sally (your leader) says that one of her goals is to contact four people on her names list, you would ask her by when will she get that done. She would say by Thursday night. You would put that into your phone on Thursday night with a reminder so that you can text her on Thursday and ask her if she accomplished her goal.

FREE Downloads: Download the Weekly Success Schedule Webinar Presentation PDF Slides & The Sample Weekly Success Schedule

Feel Free To Use These Downloads To Build Your Business And Train Your Team

  1. Download the Weekly Success Schedule Webinar Presentation PDF Slides: Click HERE

  2. Download the Sample Weekly Success Schedule: Click HERE

  3. Download the Weekly Strategy Worksheet: Click HERE



Daily Mentor Call 50: The Duplication Model, The Power Of Consistency


Consistently Duplicate.

Your Assignment: Go Make Your Dreams Come True

We Hope You Achieve All That You Desire in Goodness


FREE Download: Download the Duplication Model Diagram


Use This To See How It All Fits Together


Download the Duplication Model Diagram: Click HERE

With great thanks to Allyse and Patrick Sedivy for supplying these calls (& assignments) and making them available for all of us!

We Hope You Learned A Ton!!!

We Are So Proud Of You For Working Through These Daily Mentor Calls


Remember To

1. Learn

2. Apply

3. Teach

Everything You Heard Here!


Love and light to you!!

Signed Jodi & Mark
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